Creating Projects and Applications

Project Settings

Application Settings

Adding a Database

Creating Objects

Generating and Using Applications

Help Contents


Project Settings
By selecting the Project item in the object list you can change the name of the new project and customize the source code naming conventions that will be used when generating your Application.. ObjGen has default settings for the source code naming conventions and they can be changed to meet your standards.
To make your naming conventions permanent between ObjGen sessions, click the 'Save as ObjGen Defaults' button.
The 'Load ObjGen Defaults' button restores the naming conventions to the standard defalt values.

You can also customize the default data access strategy that ObjGen uses when creating Data Form objects. ObjGen can generate Forms that use embedded SQL code or can use the powerful Data Class objects that can be created over tables and views in your database. Select your default preference for how Data Forms are initially created here by choosing the appropriate value in the 'Default Data Access Strategy' dropdown list.

In the Project Settings window you specify the code generation strategy to use for your new project. You have a choice of using ObjGen's default code generator which will produce Visual Basic 5.0 & 6.0 compliant code or you can choose to generate your objects from code templates.

When a project is defined to use code templates, you can specify the application framework to use as the basis for your objects from the 'Application Frameworks' window. Simply select a framework to use from the list of defined frameworks and your new objects will automatically load their respective template file defined in the framework.

Application Settings
To add a new Application Right mouse click on new project icon or select the Add Application button from the tool bar.
To delete an Application, select the Application icon in the project viewer and press the delete key.
A Yes/No message box will prompt to confirm the delete.
You can change the name of the Application by selecting the Application item in object list and typing in the Application name edit field in its edit window. ObjGen does not allow Application names that contain embedded spaces.

You may specify the data access library to generate code from only when using ObjGen's default code generator. When a project has been defined to use code templates, this setting is disabled since the data access support is implicitly defined by the code template(s) in use for the Application.

Adding a Database
Select the 'Add Database' icon from the toolbar or right mouse click on the new Application icon to add a Database link. You will be prompted to select an ODBC data source to connect to an existing database. The ODBC driver will prompt you if a password is needed in order to complete the connection. Once a successful connection is established to the data source, a database item will appear in the project viewer. You may browse the list of database tables and their respective columns in the database viewer window after selecting the database item in the Project viewer.

We recommend that you use Machine data sources rather than File DSNs when working with ObjGen.

Generating and Using Applications

You may generate the current Application by using the 'File/Generate…' menu item or by clicking the 'Generate' toolbar button. You will be prompted with the 'Save As' dialog to choose the location where the application will be generated. Once the Application has been generated, a log window is displayed showing the status of the generate operation. The log will contain any errors or warning encountered during generation. You can then fix any problems and then regenerate.

ObjGen also provides a mechanism to immediately execute an Application by clicking on the 'Execute Application' toolbar button. You will be prompted to generate the Application if you have not done so already. The Application is then compiled and executed by the target Application's design environment so you may preview the Application as you define it.

Single objects can also be generated by right clicking the object item in the Project viewer and selecting the 'Generate' option.
This is useful for adding a new object or replacing an existing object in the target environment.
All Data Forms created in the target Application can be opened after the Application starts by the auto generated 'Open Form' window which is created in the target program. By default it is accessible from the 'File/Open' menu in the generated Application.


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